
  1. Twitter: I often learn about a new technology learning tool here through selectively identifying “thought leaders.” I try to reciprocate with something that they might find of interest (@professorDavidS).
  2. YouTube: Sometimes I use this tool for learning how to use a technology learning tool. Though I have neglected it of late, I just rediscovered my private YouTube Channel with (in)famous private uploads of former research assistants and their shenanigans, Uncensored Adventures in Carrollland, DumbleDave in costume, Robin the Newf, and a (sigh) much younger-looking David Simpson! Drop me an email if you want to see them:)
  3. Google Search and Google Scholar: I’ve never found an alternative search engine that exceeds its capabilities, and I still have so much to learn about how to make it work even better for me.
  4. Google Docs/Drive: My research assistants now are more facile with this than I as we collaboratively put finishing touches on some ebooks we are writing. I think that I shall make mastering Google apps a high priority for me this summer. Alternatively, I’d like to create a course about them though I suspect I can find such a course on Lynda.com or Udemy.com.
  5. PowerPoint: I must confess that I am PowerPoint challenged – in part because I don’t teach in a way that naturally lends itself to that linear format of presentation.

Posted by Professor David Simpson

Professor of Psychology, Carroll University (USA), Lover of Dogs, Reading, Teaching and Learning. Looking for ways to enhance cross-global communication and to apply technology learning tools. Interested in brain health maintenance, brain fitness training, and truth in advertising.

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