cropped-IMG_1166“Giving Tuesday” is imminent. I can’t escape the reminders. I’ve been asked to be a GD “Ambassador.” Our Faculty and Staff Presidents have urged our participation.

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Facebook is offering an interesting matching for participants.

What is Giving Tuesday? I found my answers here.  I was intrigued by its plea “Help others through the gift of your time, donations, goods or your voice. ” Let us not forget that there are other ways to give than financially.

Here is Giving Tuesday’s history on my newest “goto” resource: Wikipedia.

What data is available about its integrity and success? I found a whale of a lot of data  (facts, statistics, and predictions) here.

Based on my thorough reading of the above links, my psychological indebtedness to this institution through four decades of teaching and learning, my awareness of the talents and financial needs of our students, and my belief in paying forward, I plan to participate. I am supporting Carroll University this #GivingTuesday to help raise funds for student scholarships and keeping a Carroll education affordable. Please consider joining the effort or sharing to spread the word!  I just now made a donation here at this link in recognition of the gifts of love and labor of my Carroll Physical Plant Friends across the past 40 plus years( thank you, Dennis, Ott, Ralph, and so many others)!


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Posted by Professor David Simpson

Professor of Psychology, Carroll University (USA), Lover of Dogs, Reading, Teaching and Learning. Looking for ways to enhance cross-global communication and to apply technology learning tools. Interested in brain health maintenance, brain fitness training, and truth in advertising.

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